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Resource Lending Library

Resource Lending Library

Resource Lending Library

A large selection of books on a table
The resource lending library consists of games, toys, puzzles, books, and DVD's for children, parents and child care providers. All can be checked out for two weeks at no cost.
Monday - Friday 10am- 3pm
Books and toys on a round table in a library
AccuCut Cutouts

AccuCut Cutouts

We are also pleased to offer AccuCut cutouts for our child care providers and centers. Our AccuCut machine can cut construction paper, poly foam, card stock, laminated paper, and flexible magnetic sheets. 
Just give us at least 3 days lead time and provide the paper, foam, card stock,or other materials you want cut into your desired shape. Let us know the shape(s) to be used, color to be used (if applicable) and number needed for each shape. Click here for a list of our available AccuCut designs.
The cut items will be available a few days later.