Susanville State Preschool
Susanville State Preschool
is a quality preschool designed to meet the needs of children and provide an essential experience to prepare them for future learning. The well-being and happiness of children is an important part of the program. Staff and parents work together to provide open communication and positive experiences for children and their families.
Philosophy and Goals
Our program is based on the assumption that all children enrolled deserve a positive environment. Education and wellness are also critical components. Each child progresses through developmental stages of growth, and it is the responsibility of staff to recognize and promote healthy social, emotional, physical, intellectual, and creative development. Challenges and positive encouragement are integral parts of development which advances continued healthy progress to optimum development. Children and their families deserve respect and equal access to services without regard to race, color, creed, religion, economic, or national origin.
Food Program
Breakfast and lunch are provided for enrolled, participating children without charge. The food program is funded through the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). The meals comply with the food program nutrition standards. Food is prepared on site in a clean and sanitary method. The food is served family style. The children are invited to taste items. Hands are washed before meals and teeth are brushed after breakfast.
Lassen Child & Family Resources
472-013 Johnstonville Road
Susanville, CA 96130
Program Director: Ashley Gutierrez
(530) 257-9781
8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Monday through Friday
2005 4th Street
Susanville, CA 96130
Susanville State Preschool is a California Licensed State Preschool funded by the California State Department of Education through Lassen Office of Education.
Susanville State Preschool is licensed by:
Community Care Licensing
520 Cohasset Road, Suite, 170
Chico, CA 95926|
(530) 895-5033
Lic. # 185406614